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Bulgarian Deadlift Barbell

The Bulgarian Method of Training Olympic Weightlifters

By Jim Moser April 22 2011

The Bulgarian Split Squat

The Bulgarian Split Squat is a dynamic compound movement that tests your balance and fires up your abdominal muscles. It's a great exercise for building overall leg strength and power.

The Deadlift

The deadlift is a phenomenal leg exercise that challenges your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and back. It's a great exercise for building overall strength and power.

5 Lower Back Barbell Exercises

We've kept you in suspense long enough, so let's get into what you came here for. The following are 5 of the best lower back barbell exercises:

  1. Barbell Back Squat
  2. Barbell Romanian Deadlift
  3. Barbell Good Morning
  4. Barbell Hyperextension
  5. Barbell Glute Bridge

The Snatch Grip Deadlift

The snatch grip deadlift is a variation of the deadlift where you stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and grip the bar with an overhand grip that is wider than shoulder-width apart. This grip makes the exercise more challenging for your lower back and hamstrings.

Deadlifts: Benefits and Risks

Deadlifts offer some of the greatest overall benefits of any exercise, but they also pose some of the greatest risks. It's important to learn how to perform the exercise correctly and to use proper form to minimize the risk of injury.
